Carrie Haddad Gallery   Hudson, NY   Bold Little Beauty   2022
Carrie Haddad Gallery   Hudson, NY   Place as Memory   2020   gallery talk video
Carrie Haddad Gallery   Hudson, NY   Americana   2017
Carrie Haddad Gallery   Hudson, NY   Earth Sky Dream   2015
Davenport and Shapiro Fine Art    East Hampton, NY   2012   read announcement
Eckerd College    St. Petersburg, FL   The 10th Anniversary Invited Artists Exhibit   2012
1078 Gallery   Chico, CA  2011   read review
The Happening Gallery   Los Angeles, CA   Group Show    2010   
Strohl Art Center / Chautauqua Institute    Chautauqua, NY   Juried Show   2010
James Gray Gallery at Bergamot Station    Santa Monica, CA   2009
Gallery 800    Los Angeles, CA   Group Show  2009
Art Salon    Washington DC  2009
MJ Higgins Gallery    Los Angeles, CA   Group Show  2008
The Long Beach Museum of Art    Long Beach, CA    Group Show - Art Auction X   2005
The Long Beach Museum of Art    Long Beach, CA    Group Show - Art Auction IX   2003


Lynda and Stewart Resnick Private Collection